Monday, February 28, 2011

Zoo Postcard

For the zoo postcard, we chose an image for the large part, then four small images. This project was centered on how to use resolution and making sure everything in the postcard was the right size.

Commodities of Culture Advertisement

For the commodities project we had to choose nine images of objects, that are manufactured. We learned how to use Quick Mass which is a tool that "highlights" the wanted part of an image. After the unwanted part of the image is left out the image can be cut out. Then we had to place the cutout objects on to little squares that were created on the background.

ECR Thespians

ECR Thespians postcard was designed to help us earn how to deal with resolution. The task was to pretend to be different people in order to advertise for the drama club at school.

2011 Annual Cover

In class, our task was to make an annual magazine cover. We were supposed to choose any company we wanted and select four different photos that would advertise the company's product. We learned how to make pictures blend in with each other; as opposed to cutting certain images out and placing them on a background.