Thursday, May 26, 2011

CD Cover

For the CD cover project we had to apply the ability of using filters on an image within an image. We had to choose five different pictures, use smart filters on them to make them look like they are in one same image, and that was our CD cover. For the back cover we had to choose ten different song names and an image, as well as the publisher.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Magazine Cover

For the magazine project we initially wrote a design brief and that is what we based our magazine cover on. The design brief technically describes everything that was going to go on the cover of the magazine. On the magazine cover we applied everything described in the brief. Our magazine cover required us to incorporate almost everything we have learned in class. We retouched our own pictures, chose a magazine, wrote 3 teasers and added a barcode.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Flawess Skin

For Flawless Skin the main focus was to learn how to ues blur and saving a selection. We had to remove the glare from the girl's face with the patch tool, as well as learning how to remove the glare from her cheeks by adjusting the curves of the image. In the end our task was to use Hue and Saturation to color the girl's eyes, lips and cheeks with a soft brush.

Handsome guy 2

For this project, the objective was to retouch a photo. We learned how to utilize the healing brush, patch tool, levels, and curves. Also we had to colorize his eyes and lips with Hue and Saturation. The most important thing was obtaining an "after" layer where the opacity was 65% above the 100% opacity, untouched layer.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

For "Crew" Photo Repair, our task was to create a "before" and "after." We were introduced to a tool called "patch" and utilized it along with stamp to cover up the unwanted portions of the image. After fixing the image we typed "crew" with the "mask type tool."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bat Boy the Musical. For this project we had to make a tabloid based on Bat Boy. The objective was to take an image, choose the best way of cutting it out and then placing it on a different image (which would be the background).Also changing color image to greyscale. Basically this project was intended for us to use all of the skills that we have learned in Photoshop.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Zoo Postcard

For the zoo postcard, we chose an image for the large part, then four small images. This project was centered on how to use resolution and making sure everything in the postcard was the right size.

Commodities of Culture Advertisement

For the commodities project we had to choose nine images of objects, that are manufactured. We learned how to use Quick Mass which is a tool that "highlights" the wanted part of an image. After the unwanted part of the image is left out the image can be cut out. Then we had to place the cutout objects on to little squares that were created on the background.

ECR Thespians

ECR Thespians postcard was designed to help us earn how to deal with resolution. The task was to pretend to be different people in order to advertise for the drama club at school.

2011 Annual Cover

In class, our task was to make an annual magazine cover. We were supposed to choose any company we wanted and select four different photos that would advertise the company's product. We learned how to make pictures blend in with each other; as opposed to cutting certain images out and placing them on a background.